Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Guadix and Cabo de Gata

Today is Spain's Labor Day, which means that all the stores are closed, no one has work, and no one has school. So, the university was conveniently closed, and I went on a school trip to the beach, with a few stops along the way! My UNH group had already gone on this trip (while I was in Barcelona) so I was by myself, but I quickly made some new friends.

We left Granada at 8AM and went to the town of Guadix, which is outside of Granada. It was really cool because all the houses are built into caves. The front of the houses look normal, but if you look closely, they're built into the hills and rocks, and there are smoke stacks popping up all over the hillsides. It was really fascinating.

We then went to Castillo Calahorra, a castle up on this giant hill. It was a little hike to get up there but very pretty. 

Finally we made it to Cabo de Gata, a region in the south eastern part of Spain that is famous for its beautiful beaches. I must say, it held up its reputation because it was gorgeous. It ended up being a perfect day with minimal clouds and just a slight breeze. We went to a beach where apparently part of Indiana Jones was filmed. I spent some time exploring the area, proofreading one of my essays, and relaxing on my towel. The water was surprisingly not too cold either!

All in all it was a fun day with new friends (some were even from Canada) and taking in the sun. Not too bad for a Wednesday in May!

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